Saturday, 18 June 2011

5 days in...

.. and things are so much better! The itchy teeth feeling stopped about 2 days ago, which I'm very happy about (it was driving me loopy!), I have occasional pains in my jaw but they don't last very long. I can't bite down on anything with my front teeth (although I shouldn't really be trying this I know) without considerable pain, so my diet is still largely liquid (for convenience!) and my evening meal usually involves pasta or mashed potatoes. I had oven chips (fries for anyone reading in the US) with gravy (to soften the crunchy ones!) yesterday, which went quite well, although chewing anything harder than pasta does cause some tenderness but not unbearable at all.

My bite is changing, meaning only one molar build up is meeting the tooth above, and my bottom jaw seems to be sliding forward to make better contact which means I'm in danger of biting brackets now. I'm keeping a close eye on this and may need to make an extra appointment to get it sorted. I'm giving it a few days in case my bite settles some more.

The brackets are still irritating the inside of my lip, so i've been covering all but the front 4 brackets with wax. I've tried putting it on the front 4, but as these teeth seem to be the ones doing the most moving it's too painful to push the wax onto the tooth with enough force to get it to stick. Luckily these ones rub the least so thats ok.

I think I can see movement!! The left central incisor (I think thats the name) that was staggered behind the rest seems to be moving forwards (this also the most painful tooth, which makes sense I suppose). I'm excited! I really didn't expect to see change this soon.

I'm a bit apprehensive about next friday, I'm going out for a meal with my dbf parents, I'm praying for something soft on the menu (that isn't curry and is vegetarian!). Could be embarassing otherwise.

Thats all for now!

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